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Whatever I said whatever I did I didn't mean it

2006-04-10 ~ 3:00 p.m.

I was ashamed this morning because I was able to remember my office's post code and fax number.

I promise not to start any more diary entries with a discussion of Pink's genitalia. I'll save that for the paragraphs further down that nobody reads.

It's just over 5 years since I started my first online journal (now gone to the other side; no, not LiveJournal; deceased).

That's made me think about all the people I've known for such a long time through Diaryland. Otherwise, I don't want to get into who's my best friend or anything, so if I don't mention you here, it's your own fault. Er, it's because whilst you have the quality you didn't have the misfortune to know me in 2002. But it's amazing thinking of all people have been through in that time, as I've watched them grow, develop, decide on a vocation as a librarian, qualify for the legal profession, find a man and get engaged, etc. And people on here tell me more than my friends do.

My longest true friend and inspiration is the girl once known as urine, though I'm not quite sure when we first came across each other, but it must be getting on for 4 years. I've been browsing my old guestbook and email, and it all seemed to really kick off a little over 4 years ago (maybe that's when I started writing something interesting). I can see I've known Jillian for over 4 years. I've been reading the comic and/or literary stylings of ann-frank, shutupmom, and redd for over 4 years also (which is odd to consider, because normally I get bored with a tv show after a couple of seasons). I've been following thebeesknees and Kathryn (now rocking LJ [or whatever the twee equivalent of rocking is]) for around 4 years as they *ahem* grow up and I feel that in a sense I know them very well, even if in another sense not. But then there's the people I used to read but never really knew (probably because I was scared of them) and are now all gone, but I can peer at them through the Wayback Machine (heh, I can read your diaries even if you delete them all).

I'll celebrate with an entry from my guestbook in June 2002, which illustrates all that I adore about this here interwebby thing:

You know that he had sex with his dog. I do not think, that ever in my time of living, that I have ever had a pet rock. I had a kitten once, but my Aunt's dog ate it. But if I do, ever have a petrock, I will name it Whitesnake. Just for you. There are some annoying people to my left and they keep reading over my shoulder and maybe they'll read this and leave me the hell alone. ...muahhaaaa...right.

I've still not decided if I should tell my little sister that I found her myspace. I've not snooped around it too much or looked at the profiles of any of her friends; I've met a few of them but one tall skinny blonde teenaged girl looks much like another. On a similar note, I was chatting to someone I know on AIM and she accidentially sent a link to her Livejournal (which I never knew existed) instead of to a Google search. Since the LJ has the same name as her AIM account, it wasn't exactly security through obscurity, but still, I've not peeked. I do respect people's privacy.

We got another Harry Potter related question wrong at the pub quiz last night. I think there's a moral there, but I've no idea what the moral is. Besides, Harry Potter fans are responsible for Bloomsbury being able to pay Gary Barlow a million pounds for his autobiography. Who in hell wants to read Gary Barlow's autobiography? "Sat in studio. Ate some cake. Asked Robbie what a groupie is. Didn't understand Robbie's answer. Listened to Rick Astley. Ate some pies. Elton John came round with his friend David. Elton was nice. Wrote another song. Sat in shed for five years."

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Finally found someone I love more than the rain - 2013-09-17
Taxi driver, be my shrink for the hour, leave the meter running - 2013-08-29
Dear friend, I cannot tell the reason why we started well - 2013-08-06
I saw this movie one time called Imitation of Life. The movie was really kind of shitty but I loved the title. - 2013-07-12
Catch the bus by half past three otherwise you'll find you're walking home - 2013-07-10

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